99+ Categories for Games like Wavelength and Scattergories

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Category games are always a great addition to hangouts with friends or family. They encourage everyone to come up with unique answers, making them excellent conversation starters. If you ever find yourself in need of inspiration, our list of categories for games can point you in the right direction.

These category game examples are perfect for the Wavelength-inspired game Guess the Rate. In this game, players guess a secret rating by assigning personalized categories to other players. It’s designed to be a lighthearted and enjoyable conversation starter, emphasizing the fun of the interaction rather than a competitive element. It sounds like a great way to spark interesting discussions and share unique perspectives.

If you’re looking for a more competitive category game, you should try the Categories Game with Letters. In this game, players compete against each other to write down five different words from five distinct categories, and all these words must start with the same letter. The challenge of doing this within a one-minute time frame adds an exciting element of speed and creativity.

List of Categories for Games

Food Categories

  1. Breakfast Foods
  2. Types of Cuisine
  3. Italian Dishes
  4. Asian Cuisine
  5. Seafood
  6. Desserts
  7. Snack Foods
  8. Soups
  9. Sauces
  10. Types of Cheese
  11. Types of Pizza
  12. Ice Cream Flavors
  13. Fried Snacks
  14. Hot Beverages
  15. Cold Beverages
  16. Fruits
  17. Vegetables
  18. Potato Dishes
  19. Candy
  20. Late Night Snacks
  21. Alcoholic Beverages

General Interest and Activity Categories

  1. Outdoor Sports
  2. Board Games
  3. Team Sports
  4. Card Games
  5. Water Activities
  6. Arts and Crafts
  7. Fitness Classes
  8. Movie Genres
  9. Gardening Tasks
  10. Music Genres
  11. Yoga Poses
  12. Travel Destinations
  13. Book Genres
  14. DIY Projects
  15. Educational Subjects
  16. Language Learning
  17. Historical Periods
  18. Video Game Genres
  19. Film Genres
  20. Literary Genres
  21. Painting Styles
  22. Types of Musical Instruments
  23. Winter Sports
  24. Volunteer Activities
  25. Musical Genres
  26. Pets
  27. Animals
  28. News Sources

Personal Categories

These categories are especially useful for Guess the Rate, where you strategically hand out categories based on how well you know someone.

  1. Favorite Hobbies
  2. Most Loved Books
  3. Best movie from a series (i.e. Harry Potter movie)
  4. Memorable Vacations
  5. Bucket List Activities
  6. Admired Historical Figures
  7. Favorite Actors/Actresses
  8. Best Childhood Games
  9. Most Inspiring Quotes
  10. Must-Watch TV Shows
  11. Most Cherished Family Traditions
  12. Special Achievements
  13. Most Relaxing Ways to Spend a Weekend
  14. Adored Pets
  15. Family Recipes
  16. Best Study or Work Spaces
  17. Weekend Morning Rituals
  18. YouTube Channels
  19. Influential People in Your Life
  20. Childhood Memories
  21. Top Ways to De-Stress
  22. Favorite Tech Gadgets
  23. Home Decor Pieces
  24. Unforgettable Concerts or Live Performances
  25. Most Admired Philosophers or Thinkers
  26. Favorite Hangout Spots
  27. Favorite Podcasts
  28. Favorite Family Members
  29. Self-Care Practices
  30. Types of Tea or Coffee
  31. Hobbies You Want to Learn
  32. Special Talents or Skills
  33. Favorite Fictional Characters
  34. Must-Have Smartphone Apps
  35. Best Vacation Souvenirs
  36. Top Life Goals
  37. Types of Pets You’ve Owned
  38. Pet Names
  39. Child Names
  40. Dog Breeds
  41. Places to Take Your Pet
  42. Friends’ Nicknames
  43. Inside Jokes
  44. Hangout Spots
  45. Friend’s Signature Dish
  46. Moments Together
  47. Ideal Group Vacation Destinations
  48. Gifts from Friends
  49. Group Activities
  50. Friend Traditions
  51. Shared Music Playlists

Wrap Up

Category games are always a blast! They stimulate creative thinking and spark good conversation. Whether you’re at your standard hangout place or at a bar, the minimal requirement of equipment allows you to play these games anywhere, anytime!

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