Pic Your Punchline: the Photo Game Perfect for Parties

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Pic Your Punchline is the hilarious party game that combines humor with photographic skill. Great for breaking the ice in all sorts of social occasions from parties to weekends away.

In this game, you are to take random photos throughout your gathering and send them to the organizing host. Then, with each photo as a cue, players need to deliver the funniest caption based on the photo. Each best caption chosen by group vote wins a point!

In this guide, we are going to take you through the process of setting up of this game to ensure it runs smoothly how it should be.

Your Game Information




20-30 party cups, 2+ ping pong balls


5-10 minutes







Setting Up

Getting Pic Your Punchline up and running would require very few requirements of materials or preparation. Here are the necessities:

  1. Camera or Smartphone: It is a requirement for every player to acquire a means of taking photos to play the game so that any single play may participate in the game. Your smartphone will do the trick!
  2. Display Method: Decide how photos will be displayed to all members. This can be by displaying the photos on a screen such as a TV monitor or computer screen, or they can be physically printed and handed around.
  3. Writing Materials: Supply pens and paper or blank note cards to players for the writing out of their captions, or allow them to text their captions in with their cell phones.

Before the game starts, it’s a good idea to give everyone a quick rundown of the rules and what to expect. This helps ensure the game runs smoothly and everyone is on the same page.

Game Rules and Guidelines

To ensure that everyone ends up enjoying a good time playing this fun photography game, there is the need to lay down some rules and guidelines. Hereโ€™s a guide on how the game operates:

How to Play Pic Your Punchline:

  1. Decide on who will take the first picture. You can start with your casserole or draw straws for it. Participants are taking turns throughout the party in taking pictures. Just encourage that some of the pictures should be candid-shots while some are posed to make it more exciting.
  2. Now bring the photo before the group. This may be by displaying it with a screen in which you can create a slide show. Pictures that are printed should have been circulated among the group so everyone had a good chance to view the picture.
  3. Set a time limit, e.g. 5-10 minutes, during which players all have to write a caption for the photo. This mechanism helps keep the game flowing nicely.
  4. Once everyone has made photos and added a typed or written caption, show the pictures one-by-one to the audience along with the captions.
  5. You cast a vote for your favorite caption, but you do not allow yourself a vote. You will be using either the show of hands or anonymously if you are shy.
  6. The winning writer then scores a point and secures the round with the count of simply having secured the most votes.


To keep the game fair and fun, there are some rules to follow:

  • No Repeat Captions: Please request players to come up with creative outputs and not repeat captions that have already been used.
  • Respectful Humor: Please remind players to keep their banter clean and within respectful bounds at all times.
  • Rotate Photographers: Make sure you give a chance to take photographs ensuring each one has a shot and increase the variety of taken pictures.

Tips & Tricks

To add spice to Pic Your Punchline further, here are several ideas that you can base on the setting and group of players present.

  • Introduce a theme into the game. This will help players in thinking of what captions to write with more guidance such that the thinking is more focused. Sometimes it can be tougher to think of a proper caption because there are no constraints to think about.
  • End the game and have a prize giving ceremony. At the beginning of the game you can make a small mention that there are some prizes to be won. This enhances the fun factor for players to be engaged in the game.
  • Split the game into teams while with a lot of players. With too many players, it’s hard to have everyone make a photo and insert a caption within the time you come.

Pic Your Punchline – Wrap Up

Make this hilarious game the center of attraction to your upcoming party because it truly is a blast! Pic Your Punchline can be an absolute showstopper at any gathering!

Be it a small get together at your abode, family reunion or a grand special event that you are hosting, this game has an inimitable activity that makes the occasion memorable for all! It’s a perfect ice breaker indeed where everybody just wants to indulge in.

We’d love to hear your experience with Pic Your Punchline! Let us know, in the comments below, some of the funniest captions or experiences you’ve ever had while playing. And be sure to check back on our blog for more party game ideas and tips that will make yours a gathering to never forget!

Of course, it does sometimes take some preparation and planning. If you’re looking for a more spur-of-the-moment party game that’s great with groups, games like the Fishbowl Game have you covered.

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