Cheat Card Game: How to Play & Fun Variation

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The Card Game “Cheat” is also known as Bullsh*t, Bluff, or Liar. It’s an enjoyable tabletop game that tests your strategic and deceptive skills. In this guide on how to play the Cheat Card Game, we will walk you through the complete set of rules and gameplay.

In Cheat, your goal is to play all your cards, using a mix of bluffing and honest moves. Think strategically to minimize the cards in your hand and stay ahead in the game!

Alongside the standard rules, we present a more dynamic and strategic version of the game: Dynamic Deception.

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Your Game Information




20-30 party cups, 2+ ping pong balls


5-10 minutes







Cheat Card Game Rules – Standard

Usually, you play Cheat with 3 to 4 players, although you can play it with 2 to 10 players. For four or fewer players, a single standard deck of playing cards is sufficient. If you have five or more players, you’ll need a second deck.

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Before starting the game, remove all Jokers from your deck of cards. After that, determine who will be the dealer; it doesn’t really matter. The person to their left will start the game.

The dealer then shuffles the deck (or decks) and deals all cards one by one until the entire deck is dealt.

How to Play Cheat


  1. The player to the left of the dealer places between one and four cards face-down in the middle.
  2. They declare the cards, insisting they are of the same value, but honesty is not mandatory. For instance, they may say “three 3s” while placing one 3 and two 5s.
  3. Other players can challenge by saying ‘Cheat’ if they suspect dishonesty.

If a Player Calls Cheat:

  • The player in question reveals the cards to everyone.
  • If the accuser is correct, the dishonest player collects the entire middle pile, and the accuser takes the next turn.
  • If the accuser is wrong, they pick up the pile, and the player to the left of the card player takes the next turn.

If Nobody Calls Cheat:

  • The next player to the left of the card player places one to four cards face-down.
  • They declare the cards to be the same, one up, or one down from the previous player’s claim.
    • For example: If the previous player declared “three 3s”, then the next player must say one to four 2s, 3s, or 4s.

How to Win Cheat

  • The first person to discard all their cards emerges as the winner.

Dynamic Deception Rules

If you’re open to a refreshing version of the cheat card game, you should read this how to play guide on Dynamic Deception.

Just like the standard game, you’ll use a regular deck of cards with the jokers removed. The goal remains unchanged: be the first to discard all your cards!

How to Play Dynamic Deception

Setting up

  • Deal each player 7 cards, then place the remaining cards in a pile as the draw pile.
  • Take one card from the draw pile and play it face-up; this is the starting value. Decide the starting player at random or based on the outcome of the previous game.


To play Dynamic Deception, change the rules as follows:

  • You start with a hand of 7 cards
  • You can play any number of cards (but still has to be the same value)
  • You can pass and draw a card from the draw pile instead of making a play.
  • The first play after a cheat can be any value and any quantity, played face-down.
  • The last play must be face-up and truthful for a player to win.
  • If the draw pile is empty, players must make a play on their turn.
  • In games with more than 2 players, reshuffle the cards below the winning play into the draw pile for 2nd and 3rd place.


  • Card counting is crucial for remembering who has which cards.
  • Pay attention to played cards and plays made.
  • Use communication and deception strategically, such as calling out cards you don’t have to confuse opponents.
  • Obtaining monopolies (multiple quantities of a card) is important for control and strategic play.
  • Obtaining a full monopoly allows for bold cheat plays with minimal risk of being caught.
  • Drawing new cards adds possibilities, making cheat plays more feasible and strategic.

Cheat Card Game Tips & Tricks

If you’re aiming to up your game in Cheat Card, consider these tips:

  1. Pay attention to your opponents:
    • Observe how they play and when they call ‘Cheat.’
    • Look for subtle cues like facial expressions or body movements.
    • Recognize each player’s unique style and watch for patterns in their behavior.
  2. Mix things up:
    • Keep opponents on their toes by varying your own strategy.
    • Alternate between telling the truth and throwing in a few bluffs.
  3. Stay calm under challenge:
    • Confidence is your ally; avoid showing signs of nervousness.
    • Maintain composure when faced with a challenge.

Remember, learning how to play the Cheat Card Game well can take some time. Not everyone is a master of deception, but improvement is within reach. Learn from each game, adapt to your opponents, and relish the surprises that each round brings.

Other Fun Card Games

In addition to this enjoyable and relaxed card game, you might want to explore one of the following:

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